
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ognjenovi? Kosovka ?.” ,找到相关结果约24条。
The use of propensity score-matching methods in evaluation of active labour market programs in Serbia
Economic Annals , 2007, DOI: 10.2298/eka0772021o
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to evaluate impacts of active labour market measures in Serbia on the probability of the participants’ employment. In the estimation process of average treatment effects, propensity score-matching method was applied. Its use has considerably reduced the bias in evaluation of the average treatment effects, induced by systematic differences between samples of those who participated in the active labour market programmes and those who did not. The estimated impacts of active labour market programmes on the probability of employment were found to be both positive and statistically significant. .
Expanded activity of schools in Serbia: Legal framework and practical experiences
OgnjenoviKosovka ?.,Brankovi? Aleksandra R.
Industrija , 2012,
Abstract: Expanded activities of schools and activities of student cooperatives are important components of the educational process in schools, which are contributing to the improvement of the quality of education and better social inclusion of students. The main objective of this article is to focus on opportunities enabled by the legal framework that supports the realization of expanded activities and activities of student cooperatives in Serbian schools and to compare relevant experiences in Serbia with the practice in neighbouring countries and the old EU Member States. In particular, in this article it is examined to what extent the adoption of entrepreneurial competences through different entrepreneurship development programs contributes to the probability of implementation of additional activities in Serbian schools. For this purpose, the data of the Survey on practising, types and usefulness of expanded activities and activities of student cooperatives are used. This survey was conducted in 2010 at the samples of public primary and secondary schools that executed some sort of additional activities, as well as of schools that did not practice extended activities.
Entrepreneurial Intentions in Selected Southeast European Countries
Ateljevi?, Jovo,Budak, Jelena,Dav?ev, Ljup?o,Jovanov, Tamara,Ognjenovi, Kosovka,Rajh, Edo
- , 2016,
Abstract: Sa?etak Entrepreneurship has an increasingly important role in economic growth and development in both developed and underdeveloped countries. In order to explore entrepreneurial intentions and their antecedents in the post-transition context, we have conducted a survey among 1,200 students of economics and business in four Southeast European countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia. The following scales were included in the highly structured questionnaire: locus of control, risk taking propensity, perceived barriers, perceived support factors, personal attitude towards entrepreneurship, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm and entrepreneurial intention. Collected data were analyzed with multiple regression technique in order to explore the effects of various antecedents on entrepreneurial intention in the context of Southeast European countries. The results indicate that personal attitude towards entrepreneurship, perceived behavioral control and subjective norm positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial intent. Respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina exhibit higher levels of entrepreneurial intent compared to other observed countries. The findings of our research provide better understanding of entrepreneurial intentions and their antecedents in the specific post-transition context of Southeast European countries. Theoretical and policy implications of the research findings are discussed in the paper
Poduzetni?ke namjere u odabranim zemljama jugoisto?ne Europe
Ateljevi?, Jovo,Budak, Jelena,Dav?ev, Ljup?o,Jovanov, Tamara,Ognjenovi, Kosovka,Rajh, Edo
- , 2016,
Abstract: Sa?etak Poduzetni?tvo ima sve zna?ajniju ulogu za ekonomski rast i razvoj u visokorazvijenim i slabije razvijenim zemljama. Kako bismo istra?ili poduzetni?ke namjere i njihove determinante u posttranzicijskim zemljama, u ovom je radu provedeno anketno ispitivanje 1.200 studenata ekonomije i poslovne ekonomije u ?etiri zemlje jugoisto?ne Europe: Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Makedoniji i Srbiji. Kori?ten je visokostrukturirani upitnik koji je uklju?ivao pitanja o stupnju kontrole, sklonosti preuzimanju rizika, percipiranim preprekama i poticajima, osobnim stavovima prema poduzetni?tvu, percipiranom pona?anju, subjektivnim normama i poduzetni?kim namjerama. Prikupljeni podaci analizirani su metodom vi?estruke regresije kako bi se istra?io u?inak razli?itih determinanti na poduzetni?ke namjere u kontekstu zemalja jugoisto?ne Europe. Rezultati pokazuju da osobna sklonost poduzetni?tvu, percipirano pona?anje i subjektivne norme pozitivno i zna?ajno utje?u na poduzetni?ke namjere. Ispitanici iz Bosne i Hercegovine pokazuju ve?u razinu poduzetni?kih namjera u usporedbi s ispitanicima iz drugih promatranih zemalja. Ovo istra?ivanje doprinosi boljem razumijevanju poduzetni?kih namjera i njihovih determinanti u specifi?nom posttranzicijskom okru?enju zemalja jugoisto?ne Europe. U radu se raspravlja i o mogu?im teorijskim implikacijama i preporukama za nositelje politike
Gingival and dental parameters in the evaluation of aesthetic characteristics of fixed restorations (II)
Obradovi?-?uri?i? Kosovka
Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo , 2005, DOI: 10.2298/sarh0506288o
Abstract: This paper is a continuing evaluation of dental and facial parameters in the estimation of aesthetic characteristic of fixed restorations. First of all, attention is paid to the phenomenon describing the tooth tissue's characteristics (transiucency, opalescence, and transparency). The paper also discusses tooth color as a special occurrence, the position of the lower lip line as well as the symmetry of the smile. In addition to these fundamental objective criteria, the paper also deals with subjective criteria (tooth arrangement and position, variation in tooth form, and relative crown length), which play a part in the successful aesthetic integration of fixed restorations.
Indications for the making of porcelain veneers
Obradovi?-?uri?i? Kosovka
Vojnosanitetski Pregled , 2005, DOI: 10.2298/vsp0506477o
Basic Principles of Financial Planning in Ex-ante Deposit Insurance Schemes
?ur?ica Ognjenovi
Financial Theory and Practice , 2006,
Abstract: The paper explores main principles of financial planning in ex-ante deposit insurance schemes from a theoretical perspective and in terms of the EU Directive on deposit- guarantee schemes. Further on, the paper assesses how these principles and standards are used in financial planning in deposit insurance schemes around the world for annual budgeting, strategic planning and optimalization of available financial resources. After reviewing available references and different practices, the conclusion is that there are no clear internationally accepted principles for deposit insurers’ financial planning, except some broad and general guidelines. Practices in the industry differ significantly. Given the fact that deposit insurance is in fact a monopolistic business, lack of clear principles and lack of proper financial planning may lead to inadequacy of ex-ante funds and negligence on the side of the management of deposit insurance schemes.
Correlation between HLA-DR Antigens and Oral Lichen Planus
Ceki?-Aramba?in, Ana,Ognjenovi, Marina
- , 1992,
Abstract: Sa?etak Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic disease associated with various metabolic disturbances of the body as well as with immunologic disorders related to HLA-antigens. The aim of this study conducted in the patient population in Croatia was to determine whether OLP was related to some specific HLA-DR type, due to its association with metabolic disturbances, especially those affecting the metabolism of carbohydrates. Fifty-three patients with clinically and histopathologically diagnosed OLP were examined and subjected to HLA-DR antigen typing, and compared to 1039 normal subjects in whom HLA typing was done for the purpose o f paternity suit. Typing o f the tissue tolerance antigen o f DR type was performed on a suspension o f solid B lymphocytes, with the addition o f DR antigen causing lysis o f lymphocytes. Results showed a statistically significant correlation between O LP and HLA-DRw9. Difference in HLA-DR3 and H LA-DR5 values found in OLP patients and control subjects was not statistically significant
Povezanost HLA-DR antigena s oralnim lichen planusom
Ceki?-Aramba?in, Ana,Ognjenovi, Marina
- , 1992,
Abstract: Sa?etak Oralni lichen planus (OLP) kroni?na je bolest, povezana s razli?itim metaboli?nim poreme?ajima organizma i s imunolo?kim poreme?ajima vezanim na HLA antigene. Ispitivano je da li je u populaciji pacijenat u Hrvatskoj OLP vezan za odre?eni HLA-DR tip, zbog povezanosti s metaboli?nim poreme?ajima, posebno metabolizma ugljikohidrata. Ispitano je 53 pacijenta s klini?ki i histopatolo?ki dijagnosticiranim OLP-om i izvr?ena im je tipizacija HLA-DR antigena u usporedbi s 1039 zdravih osoba u kojih je ra?ena tipizacija HLA u svrhu dokazivanja o?instva. Ispitanicima je izvr?ena tipizacija antigena tkivne sno?ljivosti DR tipa: ispitivanje se vr?ilo na suspenziji ?vrstih B limfocita, uz dodatak DR antigena, ?to izaziva lizu limfocita. Rezultati su pokazali statisti?ki zna?ajnu povezanost OLP-a s HLA-DRw9. Razli?ite vrijednosti za HLA-DR3 i HLA-DR5 na?ene kod OLP pacijenata i kontrole nisu imale statisti?ku zna?ajnost
Photography in dentistry
Gavrilov Dragan,Obradovi?-?uri?i? Kosovka
Stomatolo?ki Glasnik Srbije , 2006, DOI: 10.2298/sgs0604253g
Abstract: Photography offers precious support in all areas of medicine and dentistry. Usage of photography in dentistry is an integral part of numerous diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and an important document of progression and outcome of subscribed therapy. Various types of cameras are available for intraoral and extraoral photography. Market offers different kinds of photographic equipment to dental practitioners such as cameras with films (Single Lens Reflex) SLR, digital SLR (DSLR) and compact digital cameras. However, majority of analyses emphasize advantages and relevancy of digital cameras, especially in taking macro photographs in dentistry. Introduction of digital cameras in dental practice is an important step toward the future. The aim of this study was to point out the importance of photography in dentistry, demonstrate basic technology of contemporary cameras and to analyze advantages and disadvantages of available cameras.

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